
Regarding the Sam Hyman guitar string key ring:

It’s so awesome! I couldn’t wait
I just gave it to him

We LOVE it!
Merry Christmas!!!

Beautiful packaged and wrapped

Wattsburg, PA
December 19, 2023

Mike Miller

Regarding the Sam Hyman guitar string pearl pendant:

Hi Elisa! I gave the necklace to Marie today for her birthday and she loved it. It looks beautiful! Very nice work!!

Mike Miller
Erie, PA
December 7, 2023


Carol S.

Regarding the Rick Springfield strings and beach glass piece:

Hi Elisa! The piece arrived today—LOVE IT! I collect sea glass when I’m at the ocean, and that just adds to the piece, and the glass is some of my favorite colors. I’ll send a picture when I put it on the scissors weight.

Thank you!
Carol S.
November 23, 2023

Cherri Feineis

*Regarding the Chrissie Hynde guitar string pendant

I love it, Elisa! Chrissie is just one of my many Sheroes!

Cherri Feineis
Virginia Beach, VA
September 13, 2023


Alexandra Kremp

*Regarding the Melissa Etheridge guitar string bracelets

Dear Elisa,

I just picked up my two bracelets at the post office and I want to thank you for you amazing artwork. I love both of them so much and I can see how much love you put into your work and this project.

Thank you again and all the best to you!

Much love,
Alexandra Kremp
September 5, 2023